Course Topics

Each Flight Instructor Refresher Course contains a selection from the list below. Some items are staples on all courses, while others are cycled between courses to create variety for returning clients.

  • Using actual case studies, participants will discover what accident trends exist in flight training; and how to mitigate the identified risks through various best practices. Participants also receive instruction on the organization and mandate of the TSB and what to do in the event they are involved in an incident or accident.

  • A background on advanced systems and equipment leads into a greater discussion of Integrated Flight Decks in training aircraft. With a focus on risk management and practical implementation, we also look at how to prepare ourselves to teach safely and effectively.

  • Have you ever wondered what happens from the time you snag an aircraft until you have it back in your hands? We will look at who has responsibility for what in a maintenance system, who can complete elementary work, and how you would solve various scenario based problems with your aircraft.

  • A NavCanada specialist will lead the group through a series of VFR and IFR flights, looking at how aeronautical products and ATS services can be utilized along the way. You will get a look behind the scenes at NavCanada and also discuss the latest new technologies you and your students need to know about.

  • Evaluation is an on-going process from the first day of training, through to final examinations and flight tests. We look at a various evaluation methods such as Traditional versus Competency-Based and different course options such as Modular, Integrated, and Advanced Qualification Programs. You will also leave with a greater understanding of evaluation errors and how to accurately assess performance.

  • Effective and efficient training delivery is critical to a successful program. Different methods of training delivery and standardization are covered, such as Scenario and Competency based training. The lessons can be applied to dual and solo flying, as well to groundschool classes. Risk management is integrated throughout.

  • A look at the laws affecting aviation reveal the responsibilities of flight training units and instructors. With a focus on Criminal, Civil, and Regulatory law, students will gain a better understanding of how the legal system applies to aviation activities. Case studies also lead into discussions regarding liability, insurance, contracts, and other topics affecting flight instructors on a daily basis.

  • What is involved in becoming a Class 1 instructor and how can we teach the Class 4 program? This module gives a complete look at the requirements and responsibilities of Class 1 instructors as well as how to create a quality Class 4 training program to develop safe and competent new instructors.

  • With a focus on fatigue, time pressures, and communication skills, we look at how our performance as instructors can be affected. Fatigue Risk Management and other counter-measures are discussed with a goal of building a safer training environment.

  • Get information right from the source. A Transport Canada inspector will provide you with updates on flight training topics and other upcoming regulatory changes. A question and answer session is included for attendees to ask whatever they like.

  • Recent updates on accident statistics, employment forecasts, and new training technologies and methodologies are presented. Recent regulatory changes are reviewed; as are new developments in flight training program delivery.

  • How can supervising instructors implement good supervision practices? What is required of instructors when supervising their students and making entries in a PTR? This module addresses regulatory requirements while looking at overall quality and safety at an FTU.

  • How would you set up a training program for the multi engine and IFR ratings? What considerations do you need to make as an instructor to ensure your safety during advanced training? We will look at how to effectively implement quality training for these ratings.

  • What is operational control and how can it be implemented? We will look at the duties of Class 2 Instructors and Chief Flight Instructors in running a safe and organized school. Suitable for all classes of instructor to participate.

  • How can you organize training to best serve your students? This module incorporates training plans and syllabi, the use of simulation, and flight training data to help you build above average programs that respond to the unique challenges of individual students.

  • How can you effectively implement presentation methods such as PowerPoint and video into your lessons? How can you more effectively brief and de-brief your students? This module takes us through a booking with a student to see how we can make front line improvements in the delivery of flight training.

  • Many factors can affect our professional demeanor and how we implement ethical practices in flight training. With a focus on quality training and customer satisfaction, we discuss how to maintain the highest standards within ourselves.

  • What is SMS and how can it be implemented in flight training without being burdensome? We will look at the principles of SMS, regulatory requirements, system components, and implementation strategies for operators of various sizes.

  • Using psychological principles such as social learning theory and the information processing model, we look at how the brain learns; and what we as flight instructors can do to make our instruction more effective. Practical examples are developed during a group exercise for use in specific and tangible air exercises.

  • How can we effectively mitigate threats to a safe flight; and the errors that we make? How can we more effectively avoid Undesired Aircraft States? TEM is the next evolution of Crew Resource Management and will be covered with a focus on the flight training environment, including practical exercises.

  • Which flight test exercises are the most commonly failed? How can we better teach those exercises to our students? This dynamic presentation will look at common problems and also address how you can improve flight test marks and airmanship across all exercises.

  • With a focus on how to teach all ground based training to a higher standard, we will also look at areas that cause the most difficulty on written exams – embedded into our other modules. The course may include additional time on topics such as aerodynamics, weather, or how to effectively create multiple choice questions.